
综合百科2024-06-13 01:30:00
导读 【 StepbyStep是什么意思 】step by step [英][step bai step][美][stɛp baɪ stɛp] 一步步地,逐步地,逐渐地; 缓缓; 浸; 1

step by step [英][step bai step][美][stɛp baɪ stɛp] 一步步地,逐步地,逐渐地; 缓缓; 浸; 1. Directors were led step by step into the mire. 董事们是一步步被带入泥潭的。 2. The path lightning takes is formed step by step as it moves towards the ground, t...

一步步,一步步地 step by step adv. 逐步地 循序渐进 step [step] n. 步, 脚步; 步态; 步幅, 一步的距离, 很短的距离 脚步声, 足迹 [pl. ]进程, 阶段 步调, 步伐 步骤, 手段, 措施 踏板, 台阶 一梯级的高度 等级, 升级 [pl. ]一段楼梯, 梯子 舞步 【航海】桅座;【机】轴瓦, 级, 档 【音】音级, 度 walk with quick steps 快步行走 take a s...



