
综合百科2024-06-02 23:30:01
导读 【 giveittome什么意思 】give it to me 把它给我 双语例句 1 I thought you might give it to me tomorrow 我以为你要

give it to me 把它给我 双语例句 1. I thought you might give it to me tomorrow. 我以为你要明天才给我。 2. Jake: No one. They give it to me at the counter. 杰克: 没有人给我送去, 他们在柜台上给我。

give it to me 把它给我 : 网络释义 百科释义 1. 一向慷慨 例句: 1. If I ask for your rosary, you'd never give it to me, right? 2. That's mine. Give it to me. 那是我的。把它给我

把它给我 您好,答题不易 如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

